Basic Spanish

I was updating my IM tools title to "Felis Navidad" which means "Merry Christmas"!! Thought of getting some basic Spanish words and found some.

This may be a start up for persons who see this blog. You can dig into the language more in the net if you want.

Vivek said: add a "lu" sound to tamil becomes telugu

My thinking: add a "o" or "el" or "la" sound to english you get spanish (just kidding)

Now just some basic words and spanish translation:



100-cien;150-ciento cinquenta;1000-mil;1000000 un millon

money-el dinero
change - la moneda
banknote - el billete de banco
coin - la moneda
currency - la moneda
cheque - el cheque
traveller - de viaje
to cash - cobrar
bank - el banco
counter - el contado
post office - el correos
letter - una carta
parcel - un paquete
letter box un buzon
stamp - un sello
envelope - un sobre
money order - un giro postal
by air mail - por avion
postman - un a carero

English - el ingles
Mathematics - las matematicas
French - el frances
Spanish - el espanol
German - el aleman
Greek - el griego
Latin - el latin
Physics - la fisica
chemistry - la quimica
Biology - la biologia
Technology - la technologia
Woodwork - el maderaje
Art - el arte
Computing - la informatica
Music - la musica
Geography - la geografia
History - la historia
PE - la educacion fisica
Religious Education - la ensenanza religiosa

fruit Fruta
apple Manzana
orange Naranja
banana Plátano
lemon Limon
peach Melocotón
apricot Albaricoque
pear Pera
grapefruit Pomelo
melon Melón
strawberry Fresa
raspberry Frambuesa
pineapple Piña
cherry Cereza
tomato Tomate
grape Uva

drink Bebida
to drink Beber
coffee Café
tea Té
with milk Con leche
hot chocolate Chocolate caliente
orange juice Zumo de naranja
apple juice Zumo de manzana
tomato juice Zumo de tomate
pineapple juice Zumo de piña
lemonade Limonada
white wine Vino blanco
red wine Vino tinto
rosé wine Vino rosé
dry wine Vino seco
sweet wine Vino dulce
water Agua
(sparkling / still) mineral water Agua minerale (con / sin gas)
cider Sidra
beer Cerveza

salt Sal
pepper Pimienta
vinegar Vinagre
mustard Mostaza
sauce Salsa

vegetables Vegetales
green salad Ensalada verde
potato Patata
carrot Zanahoria
peas Guisantes
mushroom Champigñón
cauliflower Coliflor
green beans Habas
lettuce Lechuga
onion Cebolla
leek Puerro
cucumber Pepino
cabbage Col
garlic Ajo
radish Rábano

Thanks to

Enjoy your spanish and tell me if you learnt more!! Would be glad to know.


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