
Showing posts from January, 2015

Important points VII

Independent Estimates - For many procurement items, the procuring organization may elect to have an estimate of costs prepared by an outside professional estimator if these estimates cannot be accurately created in house. Sensitivity Analysis helps to determine which risks have the most potential impact in the project.  It examines the extent to which the uncertainty of each project element affects the overall project objectives when all other uncertain elements are held at their baseline values. Earned value is the value of work performed expressed in terms of the approved budget assigned to that work for an activity or work breakdown structure component.  EV is often used to calculate the percentage completion of a project. Communications Management Plan describes how Project communications will be carried out on the project.  CMP contains information about the issue escalation process and the time frame for resolving issues. Request for Proposal (RFP) and Re...

Deliverable Oriented WBS

A deliverable oriented WBS provides many benefits for a project team, including the following: Better communication to project sponsors, stakeholders and team members More accurate estimation of tasks, timelines and costs Increased confidence that 100% of the work is identified and included A foundation for the control of processes within the project Having a  good, deliverable-oriented WBS does not eliminate the need for a Scope Management plan. Additional articles:

Motivational theories

Douglas McGregor proposed Theory X and Theory Y Motivation-Hygine theory Frederick Herzberg believed that the two aspects to the work environment are hygine and motivation. Hygiene factors are Policies, Adminstration, Working conditions, Salary, Status, Supervision, Security. Motivation factors are Achievement, Recognition, Growth, Advancement, Interest in the job, Job challenge. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs Physiological, Safety/security, Social, Esteem, Self Actualization ERG Theory : Existence, Relatedness, Growth McClelland's theory of needs: Power, Achievement, Affiliation Vroom's Expectancy theory Effort -> Job performance -> Rewards
1. Gyan Mudra (Mudra of Knowledge): Method: Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger, with the other three fingers stretched out. Specialty: As it is a mudra of knowledge, it enhances the knowledge. The tip of thumb has centers of pituitary and endocrine glands. When we press these centers by index finger the two glands work actively. Time duration: There is no particular time duration for this mudra. You can practice by sitting, standing or lying on bed whenever and wherever you have time. Benefits: • Increases memory power and sharpens the brain • Enhances concentration and prevents Insomnia • If we practice it regularly, it will cure all psychological disorders like Mental, Hysteria, Anger and Depression 2. Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of Earth): Method: Tip of the ring finger touches the tip of the thumb, with the other three fingers stretched out. Specialty: It reduces all physical weaknesses. Time Duration: It has no particular time dura...

Dependency Determination

Dependency characterized by the following attributes: Mandatory or Discretionary Internal or external ----- Contingency Reserves: Contingency Reserves are the estimated duration within the schedule baseline, which is allocated for identified risks that are accepted and for which contingent or mitigation responses are developed. Contingency Reserves are associated with "known-unknowns". Contingency reserve may be a percentage of the estimated activity duration, a fixed number of work periods, or may be developed by using quantitative analysis method such as Monte Carlo simulation. ----- Management Reserves: Management reserves are a specified amount of the project duration withheld for management control purposes and are reserved for unforeseen work that is within scope of the project. Management reserve are intended to address the "unknown-unknowns" that can affect a project. Management reserve is not included in the schedule baseline of the proje...

Project Integration Management - PMBOK

PIM includes the processes and ativities to identify, combine, unify and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the Project Management Process groups. Develop Project Charter The process of developing a document that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities. Key benefits:   well-defined project start and project boundaries   creation of formal record of the project   direct way for senior management to formally accept and commit to the project Project charter inputs for:     Plan Scope management, Collect requirements, Define scope, Plan Schedule management, Plan Cost management, Plan Risk management, identify stakeholders, Develop Project management plan. Authorized by the sponsoring entity.  Project manager participates in the development of project charter. Projects initiated by external entit...

Important Points VI

Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a procedure in operations management for analysis of potential failure modes within a system for classification by severity or determination of the effect of failures on the system. Categories of Forecasting: ( ) Time series method uses historical data as the basis of estimating future outcomes. Weighted moving average, Moving average, Kalman filtering, Exponential smoothing, Autoregressive moving average (ARMA), Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), Extrapolation, Linear prediction, Trend estimation, Growth curve Qualitative vs Quantitative methods Naive approach Casual / econometric forecasting methods Judgmental methods Artificial Intelligence methods Net Present value of Zero is Break-even, positive is profit and negative is loss. Quality Assurance department verifies the compliance of projects against the organization's defined policies and processes. This is a...

Important Points - V

Change requests can occur due to : an external event such as a change in government regulation, An error or omission in defining the scope of the product, An error or omission in defining the scope of the project. Project Management Plan is A formal, approved document used to guide project execution, monitoring, and control. The most important criteria in deciding to initiate a project selection method is Environmental consideration.

Important Points IV

Historical information, Risk control procedures and Organizational policies are Organizational Process Assets and not environmental factors. A "no-contest clause" also called an "In Terrorem clause", is a clause in a legal document that is designed to threaten someone, usually with litigation or criminal prosecution, into acting, refraining from acting, or ceasing to act.  As a Project manager, you are responsible for not only being honest in all your actions but also for exposing dishonest transactions when you encounter them and for notifying the proper authorities so that disciplinary actions can be taken against the offenders. " Rule of Seven " - Seven data points in a row falling on one side of the mean Manage Stakeholder Engagement process contains four inputs : Stakeholder Management plan, Communications Management plan, Change log, Organizational Process assets. Bidder conference also known...

Procurement Management - Tools and Techniques - PMBOK

Make or buy analysis Expert judgment Market research Meetings Bidder conference Proposal evaluation techniques Independent estimates Expert judgment Advertising Analytical techniques Procurement negotiations Contract change control system Procurement performance reviews Inspections and audits Performance reporting Payment systems Claims administration Records management system Procurement audits Procurement negotiations

Procurement Management - PMBOK

Plan Procurement Management -  The process of documenting project procurement decisions, specifying the approach and identifying potential sellers. Conduct Procurements - The process of obtaining seller responses, selecting a seller, and awarding a contract. Control Procurements -  The process of managing procurement relationships, monitoring contract performance, and making changes and corrections as appropriate. Close Procurements - The process of completing each project procurement.

Control Risks - PMBOK

Inputs Project management plan Risk Register Work performance data Work performance reports Tools and Techniques Risk reassessment Risk audits Variance and trend analysis Technical performance measurement Reserve analysis Meetings Outputs Work performance information Change requests Project management plan updates Project documents updates Organization process assets updates

Plan Risk Responses - PMBOK

Plan Risk Response is the process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats to protect objectives. Inputs Risk management plan Risk register Tools and Techniques Strategies for negative risks or threats Strategies for positive risks or opportunities Contingent response strategies Expert judgment Outputs Project management plan updates Project document updates

Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis - PMBOK

Perform Quantitative Risk analysis is the process of numerically analyzing the effect of identified risks on overall project objectives. Inputs: Risk Management plan Cost Management plan Schedule Management plan Risk Register EEF OPAs Tools and Techniques: Data gathering and representation techniques (Interviewing, Probability distributions {Beta, Triangular}) Quantitative risk analysis and modeling techniques (Sensitivity analysis {Tornado diagram}, Expected Monetary value analysis {Decision Tree}, Modeling and simulation)  Expert judgment Outputs: Project document updates (Probabilistic analysis of the project, Probability of achieving cost and time objectives, Prioritized list of quantified risks, Trend in quantitative risk analysis results)

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis - PMBOK

Process of prioritizing risks for further analysis or action by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and risk. Inputs: Risk Management plan Scope baseline Risk register EEF OPAs Tools and Techniques: Risk probability and impact assessment Probability and impact matrix Risk data quality assessment Risk categorization Risk urgency assessment Expert judgment 3 strategies to deal with threats or risks that may have negative impacts are: avoid, transfer and mitigate. Fourth strategy is accept can be used for both negative as well as positive risks. Avoidance and mitigate are good strategies for high impact and transfer and accept is for lower impact. Cost-plus contract may transfer the cost risk to the buyer, while a fixed-price contract may transfer risk to the seller. Outputs Project document updates

Identify Risks - PMBOK

Inputs: Risk management plan Cost management plan Schedule management plan Quality management plan Human resource management plan Scope baseline Activity cost estimates Activity duration estimates Stakeholder register Project documents Procurement documents EEF OPA Tools and Techniques: Document reviews Information gathering techniques : Brain storming, Delphi technique, Interviewing, Root cause analysis Checklist analysis Assumptions analysis Diagramming techniques : Cause and effect diagrams, System or process flow charts, Influence diagrams SWOT analysis : Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and threats  Expert judgment Outputs: Risk register : List of identified risks, EVENT may occur causing IMPACT, or if CAUSE exists, EVENT may occur leading to EFFECT., List of potential responses

Plan Risk Management - PMBOK

Inputs: Project Management Plan:  Project Charter Stakeholder register EEF OPA Tools and Techniques: Analytical techniques Expert judgment Meetings Outputs: Risk management plan: Includes Methodology, Roles and Responsibilities, Budgeting, Timing, Risk categories, Definition of Risk probability and impact, Probability and impact matrix,Revised stakeholder tolerances, Reporting formats, Tracking

Project Risk Management - PMBOK

Plan Risk Management : Process of identifying how to conduct risk management activities for a project. Identify Risks: Process of determining which risks may affect the project and documenting their characteristics. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis:   Process of prioritizing risks for further analysis or action by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and impact Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis:   Process of numerically analyzing the effect of identified risks on overall project objectives. Plan Risk Responses: Process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats to project objectives. Control Risks:   Process of implementing risk response plans,tracking identifying risks,monitoring residual risks, identifying new risks, and evaluating risk process effectiveness throughout the project. Known risks that cannot be managed proactively, should be assigned a Contingency reserve. Unknown risks cannot be ma...

Control Quality - pairs of terms

Prevention (keeping errors out of the process) and Inspection (keeping errors out of the hands of the customer) Attributes sampling (the result either conforms or does not conform, yes/no) and variables sampling (the result is continuous scale that measures the degree of conformity) Tolerances (specified range of accepted results) and control limits (that identify the boundaries of common variation in a statistically stable process or process performance)

Perform Quality Assurance - Tools and Techniques

It uses the tools and techniques of Plan Quality Management and Control Quality processes.  In addition: Affinity diagrams Process decision program charts (PDPC) Interrelationship diagraphs Tree diagrams Prioritization matrices Activity network diagrams (AOA, AON) Matrix diagrams Quality audits Process analysis

Plan Quality Management - Tools and Techniques

Cost - Benefit Analysis Cost of Quality : all costs included over the life of the product.  Failure costs are often categorized into internal (found by the project) and external (found by the customer).  Failure costs are also called costs of poor quality. Cost of Conformance                         Cost of Non-Conformance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevention Costs                                   Internal failure costs     Training                                                Rework     Document Process                                Scrap   ...

Important points III

Purpose of Records Management system in procurement management is to manage contract and procurement documentation and records. Performance Measurement baseline is the total approved plan for the project work to which the project execution is compared.  PMB integrates scope, cost, and schedule parameters.  Planned value is also called as PMB. Before closing, review of scope baseline is done to ensure completion. Process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats is known as Plan Risk Responses . Risk Register updates are performed in the control risks process to close the risks that are no longer applicable and to release their associative reserves. Monitor and control work is about tracking, reviewing and regulating the progress to meet the performance objectives defined in the project management plan. Procurement Negotiations are performed in both the Conduct procurements and close procurements process. Plan Procurement ...

Important points II

Control Quality should be completed prior to the Validate Scope process. Regular assessment of team skills should be performed as part of the Develop Project Team process. Withdrawing/Avoiding - to retreat from an actual or potential conflict situation. Direct and Manage Project work - outputs -  Deliverables, Work performance data, Change Requests, Project document updates, Project management plan updates Resolve the root cause of the problem. Cultural Norms : how to approach performing the work, methods considered acceptable, influential in facilitating the performance of work. Communications management plan contains project escalation procedures. Procurement contract is a mutually binding legal document between the buyer and the seller. Modeling Technique - includes What-if scenario Analysis and Monte Carlo simulations. Progressive Elaboration - Continually detailing and improving a plan. Risk Register - contains triggers, symptoms, warning signs o...

Important points I

Budgeted cost of work performed on a Project is Earned Value . Matrix - type of organization where functional managers and project managers share power and authority. Strong Matrix/Projectized - full-time project managers with considerable authority and full-time project administrative staff. Weak matrix - like coordinating with other divisions, do not have direct authority Management Reserves - reserves for unplanned changes, such as managing new risks that were not identified during management planning. Contingency Reserves - reserves for planned risks. (Cost management, Risk management and Time management) Cost-to-Benefit Ratio : higher the better.  Project A 1:2 and Project B 1:3, pick Project B. Resource Histogram and Responsibility Assignment matrix - both used in planning Human resource management process. Stakeholder influence high during start of the project and decreases in the Execution phase. EAC Formulas :   Actual Cost + (BAC - EV)   ...

Project Human Resource Management - PMBOK

Managing and leading the project team includes :    Influencing the project team    Professional and ethical behavior Plan Human Resource Management Inputs: Project management plan / Activity resource requirements / EEF / OPAs Tools and Techniques: Organizational charts and Position Descriptions {Hierarchical type charts, Matrix based charts (RAM) - ex: Responsible, Accountable, Consult, Inform, Text oriented formats} / Networking / Organizational theory / Expert Judgment / Meetings Output: Human Resource Management plan {Roles and Responsibilities, Project Organization chart, Staffing management plan (Staff acquisition, Resource calendars - Resource Histogram, Staff Release plan, Training needs, Recognition and rewards, compliance, Safety) ________ Acquire Project Team Inputs: Human Resource Management plan /  EEF / OPAs Tools and Techniques: Pre-assignment / Negotiation / Acquisition / Virtual teams / Multi-criteria decision analysi...

Quality Management (II) - PMBOK

Project Quality Management addresses the management of the project and the deliverables of the project. Quality and grade are not the same concepts. Quality is the "degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements" (ISO 9000)[10].  Grade is a category assigned to deliverables having the same functional use but different technical characteristics. While a quality level that fails to meet quality requirements is always a problem, a low grade of quality may not be a problem. The project management team should determine the appropriate levels of accuracy and precision for use in the quality management plan. Precision is a measure of exactness. Accuracy is an assessment of correctness. Arrows clustered tightly in one area of the target, even if they are not clustered in the bull's eye, are considered to have high precision. Targets where the arrows are more both tightly grouped and within the bull's eye are considered to be both accurat...

Quality Management - PMBOK

Plan Quality Management Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs Project Management Plan Stakeholder Register Risk Register Requirements Documentation Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Cost-benefit analysis Cost of Quality Seven basic quality tools Benchmarking Design of experiments Statistical sampling Additional quality planning tools Meetings Quality Mangement Plan Process Improvement plan Quality Metrics Quality checklists Project document updates Perform Quality Assurance Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs Quality Management Plan Process Improvement Plan Quality Metrics Quality control measurements Project documents Quality management and control tools Quality audits Process Analysis Change requests Project management plan updates Project document updates Organization process assets updates Control Quality Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs Project Management Plan Qualit...

Project Cost Management (II) - PMBOK

Plan cost management is the process that establishes the policies,procedures and documentation for planning, managing and controlling project costs. Input: Project Management plan (Scope baseline, Schedule baseline, Other information) Project charter Enterprise Environment factors Organizational Process Assets Tools and Techniques: Expert judgment/Analytical Techniques (pay back period, return on investment, internal rate of return, discounted cash flow and net present value)/Meetings Output: Cost Management plan Units of measure, Level of precision, Level of accuracy, Organizational procedure links, Control thresholds, Rules of performance measurement, Reporting formats, Process descriptions, Additional details ------ Estimate Costs: Estimate costs is the process of developing an approximation of the monetary resources needed to complete project activities.  Amount of cost required to complete project work. Project in the initiation phase may have a rou...

Project Cost Management - PMBOK

Plan Cost Management Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs Project Management Plan Project Charter Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Expert Judgment Analytical Techniques Meetings Cost Mangement Plan Estimate Costs Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs Cost Management Plan Human Resources Management Plan Scope Baseline Project Schedule Risk Register Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Expert Judgment Analogous Estimating Parametric Estimating Bottom-up Estimating Three Point Estimating Reserve Analysis Cost of Quality Project Management software Vendor Bid Analysis Group decision-making techniques Activity cost estimates Basis of estimates Project document updates Determine Budgets Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs Cost Management Plan Scope Baseline Activity cost estimates Basis of estimates Project schedule Resource calendars Risk Register ...

Review of movie I

Movie : I Main Actors : Vikram, Amy Jackson, Santhanam Director : Sankar Story : Sankar Photography : PC Sriram I went with an expectation of "Brahmandam" for this movie and the technology he has used.  He has not disappointed me on that. The movie revolves in an elliptical orbit.  If you keep the story as sun, interest as earth, initially it starts from the perigee position and goes to apogee during interval break and then traverse back to perigee in the second half. Plot is regular Sankar story.  However, the way he has taken needs to be appreciated. Vikram and his company of body builders needs to be given full credit.  Vikram should have worked really hard to bring down his weight up and down. The final message of the story is with love nothing else matters!!  I like that message. Santhanam comedy is good. Mersalaitaen, Google ah moodu, youtube ah pothu dialogues will take off for this generation. Photography is excellent.  PC Sriram...

Everybody Loves Raymond - Debra's birthday party

When I was driving my son to school this morning, I heard in the radio a husband wishing his wife a happy Birthday.  RJ was asking for his wife's name and he was answering something else.  His wife behind was poking him about that and I was able to overhear.  It reminded me of the serial Every body Loves Raymond - Debra's birthday party and how Raymond reveals the secret to everyone and no more a secret.  The embarrassment of Debra during surprise and the comment by her FIL "You do.." is chance less and it is top in my comedy list.

Time Management - Tools and Techniques

Network diagrams: Precedence diagramming method (PDM) Arrow diagramming method (ADM) Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT) PDM is also known as Activity-On-Node (AON) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Four types of logical relationship between activities: Finish to Start [FS] : Activity must finish before the successor can start. Start to Start [SS] : An activity must start before the successor can start. Finish to Finish [FF] : An activity must finish before the successor can finish. Start to Finish [SF] : An activity must start before the successor can finish.  (rarely used) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Graphical Evaluation Review Technique [GERT] Types of dependencies:     Mandatory dependency (Hard logic)     Discretionary dependency (preferred or soft logic)     External dependency ___...

Tools and Techniques for Project Time Management - PMBOK

Schedule Management Plan Expert Judgment  Analytical Techniques Meetings Define activities Expert Judgment Decomposition Rolling wave planning Sequence Activities Precedence diagramming method (PDM) Dependency determination Leads and Lags Estimate Activity Resources Expert Judgment Alternative analysis Published estimating data Bottom-up estimating Project Management software Estimate Activity Durations Expert Judgment Analogous estimating Parametric estimating Three-point estimating Group decision making techniques Resource analysis Develop Schedule Schedule network analysis Critical Path method (CPM) Critical Chain method Resources Optimization techniques Modeling technique Lead and Lags Schedule compression Schedule tools Control Schedule Performance Review Project Management Software Resource optimization techniques Modeling techniques Leads and Lags Schedule compression Scheduling tool

Plan Schedule Management - PMBOK

Plan Schedule Management Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs Project Management Plan Project Charter Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Expert Judgment Analytical Techniques Meetings Schedule Mangement Plan Define Activities Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs Schedule Management plan Scope Baseline Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Decomposition Rolling wave planning Expert judgment Activity List Activity Attributes Milestone List Sequence Activities Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs Schedule Management plan Activity Lists Activity Attributes Milestone Lists Project Scope statement Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Precedence Diagramming method (PDM) Dependency determination Leads and Lags Project schedule Network diagrams Project document updates Estimate Activity Resources Inp...